Episode 3: "Let's Get Together" by Ayana Contreras
Premiered April 16, 2020
“Let’s Get Together,” this week’s set from Ayana Contreras, is inspired by scenes of inter-generational gatherings, Grandma clapping alongside young couples and kids, folks trying out the latest dances, birthday cakes. Featured home movies include clips from the Pitts, Merrifield, Alsup Smith, Patton, Buford, Reed, Roberson and Ellis Family Collections.
Watch the Premiere
Watch the premiere to hear from host Tony Santiago and read reactions from the audience.
Watch the Live StreamABOUT THE ARTIST
Ayana Contreras
Host/producer of Reclaimed Soul, a weekly radio program on Vocalo and WBEZ in Chicago, Ayana Contreras is also a producer for nationally-distributed radio show Sound Opinions, and a columnist for DownBeat. In 2014-15, she was an Artist in Residence at Arts + Public Life at University of Chicago. Her book, Energy Never Dies: Afro-optimism and Creativity in Chicago, which documents the cultural contributions (via art, music, advertising, and media) that post-civil rights era Black Chicago gave to the world, was published in December of 2021 by the University of Illinois Press.